
Bachelor Seminar SS2019 in cooperation with Adidas The module’s subject is a practical view on technologies surrounding the topic of Process Automation. Students will be working on issues with practical orientation and will be designing prototypes, that illustrate an exemplary implementation. The...

Kategorie: Allgemein, Lehre

Secondments to Australia and South Korea via RISE_BPM  Emanuel Marx and Matthias Stierle from the Chair of Digital Industrial Service Systems seized the opportunity to visit some of our research partners as part of the RISE_BPM-Project (“Propelling Business Process Management by Research and ...

Kategorie: Allgemein

Das Training TS410 – Integrated Business Process in SAP S/4HANA wird als Blockveranstaltung im Wintersemester angeboten. Dabei erlernen die Studierenden, wie die wesentlichen Geschäftsprozesse (Produktion, Finanzbuchhaltung, etc.) mit SAP ERP interagieren. Die Anmeldung ist ab sofort möglich!

Kategorie: Allgemein

As part of your course „Process Analytics” today we had a guest lecture by Adidas Digital Services Hub. The speakers told us about Adidas’ journey to a service-driven IT organization especially in the context of digitalization of business processes. Different technologies for business process automa...

Kategorie: Allgemein